Monday, July 30, 2012

Ways to not pick up bitches...

A BIGGGG thanks to and for pimping out my facebook page today!! Mucho appreciated! If you haven't found it yet.. the link is...

Anyhow... I should have named this blog "Adventures in online dating". However, my real name is much more fun!! haha. I get some effed up messages on POB, (Plenty of Booty) and I have a sarcastic sense of humor, so my replies might not always be polite or proper. If you don't get my sense of humor, you don't get me. I had this conversation recently with a guy on POB. I thought it was humorous, him, not so much. 

Now I get messages likes this ALL of the time, which brings me to my next subject... Ebonics. I don't care what race, size, age.. ect you are. I am attracted to what I am attracted to, however I do not speak to anyone who cannot speak proper fucking English. Do not ever text me saying anything such as the following... because you look dumb. End of story!! 

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