Friday, December 7, 2012

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

 Unfortunately, I am not a genius. It really sucks. However, with that being said I’m also not a dumb ass. I’m sure some people would beg to differ. Fuck their opinions though.

Being a page admin and in a few groups on Facebook, I come across some flat out retards. I came across one such idiot last night, which inspired me to write this blog posting. 

Now that we’ve established a few things…

Why do people get so offended when you correct their grammar? Also, if you don’t know how to spell something or use a word properly, why don’t you use a different word or Google it? Google IS your friend.

Last night after commenting on a friend’s status, some idiot replied and immediately my Hitler ‘stache grew and I was in full on grammar Nazi regime. Too bad that Marnizzle beat it to me. This is what was posted…

Now, I’m not perfect. I know that I sometimes misuse punctuation or spell something wrong due to simply just not paying attention. However, this bitch was blatantly fucking dumb. Now, what I have to say about this could be considered hypocritical. However, you have to consider the factors:

  1. The truth, meaning she was corrected because she DID post something that was grammatically incorrect; and 
  2. That me calling her ignorant is in fact true. She is/was ignorant in the way that she spelled and presented herself.

I find it rather sad that someone can’t spell LYING. Don’t they still teach people about verb forms and verb tenses?

Anyhow, the main objective of this posting is that instead of correcting herself, this less than intelligent broad lashed out and started name-calling. How old are we? Like seriously. My six-year old daughter would do something like this, and would probably still sound more intelligent than this girl.

“Oh No! You bitch, you corrected my grammar, well at least I’m not fat and ugly.”


Bitch, first off, I am far from ugly. I may be bigger than you, however I’d rather be curvy, beautiful, and smart than a dumbass, skinny, mediocre looking redneck. Yes, I am allowed to call you a redneck because I, too, am from the south. However, I moved past being a stereotypical southerner and can properly word things that I say and type without sounding like a redneck trying to speak in ebonics. When you can’t come up with anything better than insulting someone who was attempting to educate you, that speaks volumes for your maturity level and your intelligence level. 

My suggestion, if you can’t learn from your mistakes, is that you put on some camo, go to work at Applebee’s and stop trying to be “Billy Bad Ass” to people who are far more educated than yourself. Hopefully you’ll meet a nice fella who likes his broads ignorant and will provide for you. Applebee’s isn’t going to get you very far yo.


  1. Why you no post my poopie comment. I are is sad.

  2. It's also funny because they both actually work at Applebee's....

  3. Fail on their part... Applebees should give spelling tests before they hire employees...
