Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I always feel like someone is watching me...

So sometime in the past month or so, I’ve attained a stalker. I gave dude the benefit of the doubt for a while and assumed that he was just being nice. However, at some point this weekend, he decided that he was turning up the crazy level. His mission was accomplished.  

I haven’t been as active on Facebook lately as I usually am. I’ve been distracted, in a good way. So, when I get messages, sometimes I’m too busy to respond. Helloooo... I’m a single mom, dating, taking care of a kid. I’m not THAT accessible.

So, while hanging out on Friday, I get this first message, which I was polite enough to respond to. In return I got another message… and another message… and another message… and they KEPT coming.

I wasn’t replying to this craziness, I was trying to have fun with my bottom bitch yo. GAHH!!

Anyhow, the rest of the messages went like this...

I didn’t really read them after the first few and didn’t get the grasp of the craziness in its entirety! However, after I did take the time, I was more than a little put off. I mean, I deal with crazies on the regular. However, to get messages like this from some dude who knows me via Facebook ONLY, is slightly creepy. Well, more than slightly creepy. It’s super creepy.

Yet again, when he messaged me a few days letter, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt as a final act of kindness. I responded to his messages when I could, but yet again, busy lady. It was okay, until last night. I get a text from my future husband stating that my creepy stalker is liking the pictures he posted on my Facebook page.

So, I pull out my handy-dandy phone and am shocked when I have 62 fucking notifications!!


Granted not all of them were from him, however most of them were… this is what I saw when I opened my phone…

Shortly thereafter Creepy McCreeperson posted a status about purposely liking everything on someone’s page.

Hmmmm…. Wonder who could that have been?

Someone has been watching a little too much fear lately!

I mean, I’m a girl, I like attention from guys. However, that’s a whole different ball game bro. That’s creeper status fo’ sho’.

At least Mr. Creepster wasn’t THAT creepy. This fucker brought it to a different level. I’m contemplating if I should check my fucking brake lines before I drive off. He did say he worked on cars, and made jewelry.

I legitimately think that I deserve some flowers after this ordeal.

So, if you’re out there reading this Creepy McCreeperson, I like Star Gazer Lillies and no, I don’t want some jewelry. I’m not a big jewelry girl, unless, it is my Susan Gangsta Komen bracelet. That shit’s legit.

I guess on the bright side of things, at least I’ll never be alone.

Shout out to Amy for this e-card creation... You’re awesome!

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