Friday, October 5, 2012

Creepy McCreeperson strikes again!

Ohhhh Mr. Creeper. We meet again… or we’ve really “met” a few times, however today I was feeling awfully persnickety and had the random urge to reply. This is a follow up to this posting.

Honestly, I wouldn’t message someone who hadn’t messaged me back the FIRST time, however we all can’t be as amazing or rawrazing as myself.

I was thoroughly amused he mentioned, “stalker status”…. bahahahahaha. If he only knew there was a blog posting entirely devoted to him called Creeper Status. Which would be why I had to respond with “Creeper Status” just to amuse my own sick and twisted mind.

Dude is mad illiterate. (Says the girl who just wrote, “mad illiterate”, at least I spelled it right)

I felt kind of bad telling him his eyes weren’t very appealing, but they just aren’t. He looks like a mouse. I’m not into mice. I might be a pussy, or have one, but this cat is mice free. Mice free is the way to be! I’m not saying that I am all that AMAZINGGG, but I’d do me. I’d do me and come back for seconds, possibly thirds if my oral skills were on point. He was correct in saying my eyes are amazing. I’m rather fond of them, at least something makes up for my rather large ass.

In ending this conversation, I felt that I should inspire him to try something new. So I brought up my google browser and found a quote for him.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

In other words, don’t fucking send the same message to every fucking girl you message. Dumb ass.

Be spontaneous. Say the first thing that comes to your mind.

Today, I sent out unique messages to very handsome gentlemen, such as:

“Your face, I like that shit.”


“Dude, you have a nice beard.”

We all know that I’m a sucker for facial hair. Be it beard rides or mustache rides. At this point, I ‘d take a nose hair ride, booger included.

To conclude this preposterous blog posting, I’m going to end it with a quote from a man I respect. I find this quote highly amusing considering that it is completely hypocritical of my entire blog. Reminds me of church… hmmm… and people LOVE church.

“Being a bully on the internet is a sign of insecurity & weakness”
-Rev Run

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