Sunday, July 29, 2012

Poem time biotches

In light of my lack of inspiration for hilariousness.. I decided to share some of my hilarious poems about retarded shit that has happened! haha


They say I’m the mayor
The mayor of boy town
I don’t like to share penis
And I’ve been around

My friend’s should say no
To any penis that I’ve had
If you don’t you’re a ho
And I will make your life sad

Devil Vagina Magic
It’s that devil vagina magic
That lures the boys in
The ending could be tragic
Once you get it in

Make sure that it’s wrapped
And her vagina is clean
She might like getting slapped
Some like it mean

If it smells funny
You might want to get tested
If your penis tip is runny
Question with who you have vested

Good luck with your test
If the outcome is bad
Devil vagina magic isn’t best
It often ends sad

Divorce Party
Congrats on being single
You're now free to mingle
Forget the significant other
And for one night you're a mother

Go out and have fun
And drink a ton
Spread the legs wild and free
And be a slut just like me ♥

Swamp Vag
There’s a rumor I heard
Your vagina is a swamp
You get really wet
When you want to romp

Patron is Evil
Say no to patron
Things can only go wrong
In my fridge you will pee
So super stoked it’s not me

The Marnisaurus
When you get drunk
The dinosaur walk you shall do
Steel Reserve is not good
For anyone, especially you

You fall on the curb
And claim you’re not drunk
You just lost your lighter
And the ground must have sunk

Huge Dick
Fucktard your penis is awfully big
Into the sides of my vagina
That penis did dig

It stretched and it pushed
Through the tiny, dark cave
And when it was finally in
I decided you were my fave

You’re Gay
Preston I frequently thought you were gay
Due to things that you liked
Such as butt play
At least I know
The fault wasn’t in me
You were just upset
That I am not a he

Pissy Bitch
When I get drunk
I like to pee
Sometimes on boys
And sometimes on me

Tequila can cause it
Really any alcohol can
My first thought is SHIT
When I pee on a man

It was destined to happen eventually
That someone would pay me back
By pissing on me

After drunk karaoke
And lots of drunken sex
I woke up to a puddle
By my stuffed T-Rex

The poor guy was ashamed
At the deed he hath done
I was just happy
That it wasn’t me, son

Lost Pants
I remember the time I woke up
With no pants to be found
Passed out at a beach side hotel
My pants on the ground

In a puddle of some liquid
That was unknown to me
No recollection of coming
To the hotel by the sea

Peeing in Hallways
Upon my return home
After a long night out
Unable to get in
No key to be found

My bladder was no bueno
Not agreeing with me
So right in the hallway
Did I squat down and pee

Face Raping
I like to rape faces
Of any size or shape
If they were willing
I couldn’t call it rape

If you resist
I will rufie you for sure
My pants will come down
And in I will lure 

Taco Bell
My favorite part of the evening
Is on my way home
When through the Taco Bell drive thru
In my car I shall roam

Professing my undying love
To my future husband, so sweet
Ready and willing
To molest his man meat

On sofas colored white
Without underwear she sat
Ranting and raving
About the tampon in her cat

She wasn’t bleeding
She put the plug in
She said she needed penis
Which in the bible is a sin

On the pole she danced
Like a hooker on crack
This bitch was drunk
And it was pretty whack

Dancing all night
With lights all around
In all of a minute
Nowhere to be found

Outside a club
Up against a wall
With a tall dark guy from Kenya
On her lips did his fall

On a dark stormy night
Where alcohol flowed free
Did a group of crazy people
Witness a storm from the sea

Adderall were snorted
And marijuana was smoked
This was a hurricane party
And these people were stoked

Birthday Woes
On the night of his birthday
She invited him out
They were going to get shitty
There was no doubt

Upon his arrival
A stranger caught her eye
She "went to the bathroom"
This was a lie

By advice of her peers
And the tingle of her cunt
She had too many beers
This man she was to hunt

Home did they go
To freak in the bed
She didn’t know his name
Though she was sure it was said

By the luck of Irish
By the luck of green beer
She found a guy
Whose stick she could steer

Little did she know
An accident would occur
She pissed in the bed
All over this sir

Did they have relations
No one would know
she didn’t get his number
Before away he did go

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