Friday, August 24, 2012

You want to put your babies in my uterus?

Oh, POB, you never fail me. However, you have left quite a few of my friends speechless today.

Talking to this guy. He is super hot, as you can see below!

So I give him my number and he starts texting me. He immediately starts out with this:


Like really? How could someone that fucking hot, be so fucking weird? I mean, with those arms, I MIGHTTTT let him attempt to impregnate me? And talking about me being full of milk, what? 


Let's just show you people exactly how sexy me pregnant with twins was? It wasn't a pretty sight. It was down right scary. 

30 weeks pregnant with twins! 

I am legitimately at a loss for words. I really have nothing further to say on the subject.


Just really?

You want to get me pregnant? 

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